About Cathy and An Empowered Spirit: An Empowered Spirit is my blog to empower you to live a rich and full life after age 50 and despite living with a disability.

I want our journey to be a healthy, enriching and exciting one. How can we do that?  By educating and enlightening ourselves on ways to live our passions right now, and to be aware of how delicious life can be.

It’s all about taking great care of ourselves and the world around us. I’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest news on wellness, Multiple Sclerosis and other related illnesses.

We’ll talk about paying it forward through social good causes and the right of every animal to be treated with respect and dignity. And I’ll share with you my love of travel, classic film/ television, books and anything else that puts a smile on our faces.

So pull up a chair and let’s share life’s journey together. I’d love to hear what you have to say. Leave a comment below and let’s chat about the road we’re on. It’s a lot less bumpy when we travel together.

Cathy Chester is a graduate of Boston College with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Business and has completed The Alfus Patient Advocate Certificate Program at The University of Miami.

An Empowered Spirit was named Top Health Blog by Healthline and Top Multiple Sclerosis Blog by Healthline and WEGO Health.

Cathy was named one of the “Top 10 Social HealthMakers in Multiple Sclerosis” by Dr. Mehmet Oz’s platform, ShareCare.

Cathy is a regular contributor to MultipleSclerosis.net, Multiple Sclerosis News Today, Mango Health and The Huffington Post.

She is also the official blogger for the prestigious Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) and the International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN).

Cathy’s work has appeared in numerous online publications including Erma Bombeck’s Writers’ Workshop, Midlife Boulevard, BetterAfter50, The Friendship Blog, BlogHer and The Mighty.

Cathy has been profiled in The National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s MOMENTUM magazine, as well as NARCOMS, the premiere global registry for Multiple Sclerosis research, treatment, and patient education.

She lives in New Jersey with her husband, son and two adorable cats. She enjoys writing, reading, knitting, classic movies, music, theater, art, hiking, biking and paying it forward to others.

Cathy has lived with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis since 1986 and knows although she has MS, MS does not have her.

“It isn’t what we say or think that defines, but what we do.” ~Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

Cathy Chester, Freelance Writer/Health Advocate
Award-winning blog AnEmpoweredSpirit.com | Huffington Post | MultipleSclerosis.net | Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers | Multiple Sclerosis News Today

You can visit Cathy Chester’s Blog at http://www.anempoweredspirit.com