MS Harms Me Why Are You?
Multiple sclerosis is a disease where an individual's immune system attacks nerve cells in the person Central Nervous System (Brain, Spinal Cord or Optic...
My Taking My Life Back Bucket List
I have been living with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Active (PPMS active) for 40 years, since I was 8 years old. PPMS active is...
MS Awareness Month: Adapting to Life with MS
(Please press the play button on the image above to see our first video entry!)March is MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Awareness Month. If you are...
Choking and Gastric Issues with MS
That tummy or choking issue just might be your MS.DysphagiaYou may experience difficulty swallowing with MS, especially if you have brainstem involvement. Others can...
Expressions of MS: RMMSC Gala 2017
Denver artist Sarah Richter's life was changed when she was diagnosed with MS, but she's made it her mission to express MS through her...
Dr. Aaron Boster Neuroimmunologist From OhioHealth: Confirmed Disability Improvement (CDI) in Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. B defines confirm disability improvement in Multiple Sclerosis. Not all MS drugs can achieve CDI. Can yours?
The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Itch (Pruritus)
Similar to other neurological sensations and symptoms with multiple sclerosis such as burning, pain, pins and needles pruritus often comes on suddenly and sometimes...
Information for the Newly Diagnosed with MS
Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease in which the immune system eats away the protective coating (myelin sheath) of the nerves, does not...
Annual MS Awareness Video – We want your Videos!
It’s time for MS & Me’s annual MS Awareness video. We have once again partnered with MyCounterpane to bring you this video composed of...
My MS and Me Story
MS and Me blogger Debra Gaston Brigman shares her most recent blog written last month. It is a very personal account of her MS...