In a much anticipated and very exciting live streaming announcement on Facebook, Misty and Trevor Wicken of The MS Gym announced the launch of their paid membership site.
The MS Gym is based on neurologically based exercises that are expertly designed to re-teach your brain how to build alternative neuro-muscular pathways. “Basically, we’re going to work AROUND the nerves damaged by MS so you can get your life back”, says founder Trevor Wicken.
The Wickens have based their personal training services to the MS and other neurologically injured patients in Colorado, USA near their home. Patients living with MS have been paying for travel from all across the country to receive specialized training.
When The MS Gym Facebook group was established with free daily training videos and instructional downloads, it quickly grew to over 10,000 members in a matter of months! Many members were concerned that the free services offered by The MS Gym were going away with the establishment of the paid membership site. “Not at all”, assured the Wickens during the live announcement.
The next concern was cost. Many of the MS patients who rely on The MS Gym to regain or maintain function live on fixed incomes. It was announced that a monthly membership to paid site would only be $30 monthly. There is also a yearly membership option of $288, which is a 20% savings.
What do we get for the paid membership?
• Comprehensive Exercise Guide
No matter what your specific symptoms or your level of mobility, there’s a program for you. And this comprehensive membership guide will direct you through the most effective sequence or progression of programs based on your current MS symptoms.
This is how you’ll have the best program built for you. You’ll literally be told which program to start with and what programs come next in what order in order to effectively manage and reduce your MS symptoms and achieve your own MS Life goals.
• Daily Exercise Videos
Every person’s MS is different. One person may struggle with walking and balance issues while another deals with exhaustion from trying to sit upright in their wheelchair. But no matter what your specific symptoms are, there are exercises that will help you combat these symptoms. And they show you what those exercises are, step-by-step.
• Step By Step Coaching
When you log into the Members’ Area, you’ll be able to select your specific symptoms and you’ll be directed to the videos that will be most useful to you. In essence, they’re going to tell you exactly where to start to create your own personalized exercise program.
• Daily Movement Circuits
Training Videos will be released into the Members’ Area DAILY – each with a specific exercise circuit demonstrated that’s designed to treat one specific symptom. It’s like having Trevor come to your house every single day to show you new exercises that will help you improve.
• Exercises In One Place
And what’s more – you’ll be able to revisit your favorites over and over, essentially building your own personal exercise library. That means never searching for your favorites again, and never missing out on a crucial exercise that can help you relieve your symptoms.
• Bi-Monthly Newsletter
This printed, physical newsletter will include:
Teaching on key MS exercises
Tips about living The MS Life
Celebration of member victory stories
Posts from key experts in the MS field
Articles written by MS Gym Members
This will bring the support offline and into your hands.
•Training Discounts
Whether you want to have a one-on-one consultation with Trevor online or visit their brand-new facility in Colorado, you will receive an exclusive discount on advanced training.
Plus, you’ll also have VIP access to Trevor’s schedule – first dibs when you want to schedule training!
• MS Gym Nation T-Shirt
After your 2nd month as a MS Gym Member, you’ll receive a MS Gym Nation T-Shirt you can wear proudly as you exercise and post photos wearing it with your victory stories.
The MS Gym is a Multiple Sclerosis Fitness Community focused on using exercise to manage MS symptoms, improve movement restrictions, increase fitness, and slow down the progression of MS.
Join the Facebook community at www.facebook.com/groups/themsgym
Free exercise guide website:
Paid membership website:
Listen to “The MS Gym” radio show weekly on MS & Me 24 hour Global MS radio. radio.msgsn.com/listen