Life Skills with The MS Gym: Getting Off of the Floor

MS & Me Health Warriors would like to share a great new series brought to you by our friends at The MS Gym.  In...

Sue B’s Kitchen: Black Pepper and Walnut Crusted Chicken Breasts

Black Pepper and Walnut Crusted Chicken Breasts Yields: 4 servings | Calories: 212 | Total Fat: 12 g | Saturated Fats: 2 g | Trans...

Eye and balance exercises may ease multiple sclerosis symptoms

Reuters Health - People with multiple sclerosis who do balance and eye movement exercises may feel steadier on their feet and experience less fatigue...

Intro to the MS Gym

If you have been cleared by your phycisian to start a fitness program and are new to the MS Gym, we recommend you download...

MS & Me in Sue B’s Kitchen

Susan “Sue” Bires was diagnosed with MS in 1997. She learned of her diagnosis when she had an MRI for a seemingly unrelated problem,...

The MS Gym Launches Membership Site!

In a much anticipated and very exciting live streaming announcement on Facebook, Misty and Trevor Wicken of The MS Gym announced the launch of...

The MS Gym: Exercises for MS Neck Pain

The MS Gym: Jaw Release & Chin Push Down for MS Neck Pain Trevor Wicken, MS & Me Radio Network host of "The MS Gym"...

UK MS Society Launches “Move More with MS” Exercising for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Everyone benefits from being active, including people with MS. However your MS affects you, there are exercises that can help you to stay as...

The MS Gym: Neuro Warm Up for Spasticity

Neuro Warm Up for Spasticity If MS leaves your body stiff or you suffer from overnight spasticity, this release and mobility series is for you!

The MS Gym – Reducing MS Spasticity your FREE Spasticity Exercise Guide: MS Spasticity: Toes & FootSpasticity in the toes and feet can disrupt balance, increase foot drop, and make...

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