Everyone benefits from being active, including people with MS. However your MS affects you, there are exercises that can help you to stay as healthy and active as possible and to improve your symptoms and how they make you feel. It’s not always easy to find the

It’s not always easy to find the time, but regular activity or exercise will keep your body working at its best. To make it easier, it’s important to find exercise or an activity that suits
you – something you enjoy and find worthwhile. MS affects each person differently and you will have your own likes and dislikes.

You might enjoy sports, while someone else may prefer Tai Chi or yoga. All kinds of movement can be good for you. Even while gardening, cleaning and walking the kids to school you use your muscles and it helps you to stay active.

Physiotherapy can also be very useful. Physiotherapists can help you find exercises to meet your specific needs and abilities. They may suggest exercises that focus on a particular area of your body that you wish to improve, or help you manage a specific effect of
your MS. However MS affects you, the right activity can make a difference to managing and living with your condition.

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The United Kindom MS Society funds research, give grants, campaign for change, provide information and support, invest in MS specialists and lend a listening ear to those who need it.
Founded in 1956 the MS Society advocates for better treatments and services, better MS care, financial help for people affected by MS giving 2,000 grants every year.

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Phone: Tel: 020 8438 0700  – Website: https://www.mssociety.org.uk